- Removes need for non-standard line boring
- Allows you to use standard hinge plate
- Allows you to use standard hinge
- Removes need to stock special application hinge and plate
- WORKS with GRASS hinges
Shown with hinge plate installed (Hinge plate is NOT INCLUDED)
This bracket can be used for a Blind Corner cabinet application, and
allows the blind panel to be line bored at a standard 37mm setback, and
in your standard vertical location. Your standard hinge plate (GRASS
brand) is then installed to the bracket with a machine screw, and you
can then use your standard application hinge (GRASS brand).
This bracket can save time by removing the need for special boring
locations to accommodate special application hinges. It can also save
you money, space and time by removing the need to stock additional
special application hinges and plates.