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flow: (flo) -intransitive verb
1) to move gently and smoothly
2) to move as liquid does

system: (sys'tem) -noun
1) a set or arrangement of things so related as to flow and form a whole
2) a set of facts, rules, etc. arranged to show a plan
3) an established, orderly method of doing something

integration: (in'te-gra-tion) -noun
1) combining separate systems into one
2) necessary for completeness
3) whole or complete as well as True32 Corporation is committed to educating cabinetmakers about the True32 Flow Manufacturing system, Lean Manufacturing methodologies and The Theory of Constraints. We also provide products that support this systematic approach to cabinetmaking. We believe that the True32 Flow Manufacturing System can transform a mediocre cabinet manufacturing business into a lean, profitable manufacturing company that can provide excellent products with enviable lead-times.
True32 Flow Manufacturing, the system that:

  •     Reduces lead-times, rework and rejects
  •     Reduces raw and finished good inventory as well as work in progress inventory
  •     Enhances cash flow and price competitiveness
  •     Provides reliable due dates (on time every time) without having to expedite
  •     Keeps you focused on core problems, not symptoms of problems (prevent fires rather than fighting fires)
  •     Delivers low TAKT (German word for rhythm or beat) times
  •     Delivers a fast product flow through your plant